
Education in Finland and/or Estonia – Original Best Practices Benchmarking course - Vocational and Adult Education

Best Practices Benchmarking course - VET and adult education in Finland and Estonia

"With this comprehensive reform, Finland is, once again, a forerunner in education and training"

Cedefop (2019). Vocational education and training in Finland: short description.
Luxembourg: Publications Office.

"Northern European countries lead the way when it comes to making the most of the skills of their people, and giving them the best educational opportunities. Finland is in 2nd place..."

World Economic Forum; Human Capital Index; Global Top 10

"Estonia is at the forefront of digitalising the public sector and developing e-services"

"According to the Future of Work Report by McKinsey&Co, Estonia is one of the nine Northern European countries that are among the world’s most advanced digital economies. In the framework of the positive scenario, digitalisation does not mean job losses, but rather the creation of new jobs."

Ruul, K. and Kukk, I. (2020). Vocational education and training for the future of work: Estonia. Cedefop ReferNet thematic perspectives series. k_Estonia_Cedefop_ReferNet.pdf

Experience Finland's innovative vocational education reform—flexible, customer-oriented, and competence-based, catering to diverse needs, with a focus on shorter, work-based studies. Embrace innovative pedagogy and foster stronger collaborations between VET providers and workplaces, acknowledging the elevated status and competences of VET teachers, shaping their role as educators, and instilling trust in guiding individualized study paths for students.

Benefit from Estonia's educational excellence, leveraging top PISA results and global recognition in e-services. The OECD's Education at a Glance 2020 underscores Estonia's vocational education system's outstanding accessibility, with 77% of students aged 25+ enrolled at the upper secondary level. Aligned with the Estonian Lifelong Learning Strategy 2020, the system emphasizes digital competence through infrastructure modernization. Seize the opportunity to enhance your teaching skills in this digitally progressive environment. Join us on an enriching journey into Estonia's educational excellence!

As an integral aspect of our program, you will not only experience customized tours to VET and Adult education organizations, along with apprenticeship companies, but also enjoy an exclusive visit to Studia – Finland's biggest study and career event. Immerse yourself in the dynamic educational ambiance of Helsinki, where you'll acquire valuable insights, establish new connections, and be inspired by the latest trends and resources.

Target group are the school management, teachers, special education teachers and all other non-teaching experts and staff working in school education, adult education and VET.

The course covers a wide range of topics that schools need to consider and tackle when introducing and securing innovation in their school:

  • Innovation. Competence-based teaching and learning, curriculum reform, long-life learning
  • Transition from non-digital to digital
  • Student in the center - on the job learning. Individual Learning Paths. Inclusive teaching methods and work-based practices for refugees
  • Adult training. Special and further education qualifications. Apprenticeship. Integration of Refugees and Migrants into VET and work-based learning.
  • Teacher in focus. Individual guidance, coaching, teacher/student agents.
  • Management. Local examples.
  • (Tallinn) European development in Estonian schools, the most digitalized country, PISA and other international research.

The course methodology integrates observation, sharing and creating output consolidating a quality course. Participants observe teaching, studying and learning processes in classrooms in small groups or individually, share experiences and expertise on the topic in group and plenary sessions and work individually or in groups on recommendations for one’s own school (learning diary, social media updates, blogs etc.).

NB The European Commission added a new priority related to supporting those affected by the war in Ukraine by implementing, sharing and promoting inclusive pedagogical approaches and work-based learning practices, including apprenticeship. Learn about the processes of integration of Refugees and Migrant learners into VET, processes of recognition of skills and qualifications, practices supporting psycho-social well-being of learners and more in both countries.

> on-site course programme (provisional Helsinki)
> on-site course programme (provisional Tallinn)

> planned courses

  • CONFIRMED 24 - 30 November 2024, Helsinki/Tallinn, Finland/ Estonia
  • 23 - 29 November 2025, Helsinki/Tallinn, Finland/ Estonia

> course fees

Euneos has an international team of trainers who are the most experienced in the field of their expertise. Meet Euneos' trainers for the Education in Finland and/or Estonia - Original Best Practices Benchmarking course:

Main organiser / trainers

Mart Laanpere, PhD

  • Professor at Tallinn University, Estonia
  • Head of the R&D Centre for Educational Technology in Tallinn University 
  • Former mathematics and physics teacher and school principal
  • Member of board of course provider Euneos, Finland 

After working as a mathematics & physics teacher and school principal, he has been involved in teacher education and educational technology research for last 20 years. Mart has been contributing to international research projects focusing on the use of mobile technology and social software in teaching and learning. He is coordinating the training of school teams in the project “Digital Turn towards 1:1 Computing” funded by Samsung (; and expert in school digital innovation and change. 

Spasia Neshkoska Tsutsuleska 

  • International project coordinator 
  • Former external expert evaluator for Erasmus+ projects 
  • Former eTwinning ambassador 
  • Member of the international jury of Eumind projects 
  • Former principal of a vocational school in North Macedonia
  • Master studies in Education and Globalization, Oulu University, Finland

Euneos choice of venues is based on two essentials: delivering professionalism and assuring personal well-being in order to warrant enjoyable course experience.




Vantaa vocational college Varia (16 – 19-year old and adult students, migrant students)

Various schools of all levels in Helsinki metropolitan area 

Arbis (Svenska arbetarinstitutets) adult education centre in Helsinki

Apprenticeship companies in Helsinki area


VET and adult education organizations in the city of Tallin, or in the vicinity 

Apprenticeship companies in the city of Tallinn, or in the vicinity 

Centre for Educational Innovation, Tallinn university. Tallinn Estonia collaboration with this course provider. 

Helsinki, Finland

> practical information (venue, accommodation, transport etc.)

Tallinn, Estonia

> practical information (venue, accommodation, transport etc.)