Sustainable Erasmus+ Course Provider

To help the tourism industry in Finland adopt sustainable practices, Visit Finland has developed the Sustainable Travel Finland™ -program. The program is designed to help Finnish companies and destinations build more sustainable practices. This new accreditation program signifies that the company with the label satisfies Visit Finland’s sustainable travel criteria, covering economic, ecological, social, and cultural sustainability.

Euneos, a Finnish company and Erasmus+ course provider is about to be accepted into the program. The first accomplishment to get the label is to obtain the Biosphere’s Certificate.

Here is a sample of actions Euneos is taking as part of its commitment:

  • prefer fair trade coffee/tea
  • prefer providers with an eco-label, such as Sustainable Travel Finland™
  • not use of plastic cups, spoons, etc. 
  • recommend local cultural events
  • recommend green travel
  • coordinating a KA2 European Erasmus+ project CORE: Carbon Offsetting for Resilient Entrepreneurship, developed a platform for educating Finnish and European students on carbon offset
  • running KA1 courses for European teachers on the topic of Sustainability and developing ECO skills

Planning to visit Finland and want to do it in a sustainable way? Read about 11 sustainable travel tips in Finland, and download the recommendations for a sustainable visit. Visiting Helsinki? Download the Guide to sustainable visit in Helsinki